Meta-data management (also known as metadata management, without the hyphen) involves storing information about other information. With different types of media being used, references to the location of the data can allow management of diverse repositories.
URLs, images, video etc. may be referenced from a triples table of object, attribute and value.
With specific knowledge domains, the boundaries of the metadata for each must be managed, since a general ontology is not useful to experts in one field whose language is knowledge-domain specific.
If you are in the process of making a knowledge management solution, managing the metadata is very important. In such a project, you would typically appoint a metadata manager. This is a person who will be responsible for the metadata strategy, and for the implementation of this. A metadata manager does not need to know about and be involved with everything concerning the solution, but rather, will have overall responsibility. Managing the metadata in a knowledge management solution is an important step of a metadata strategy. It is part of the strategy to make sure that at any given point in time, the metadata are complete, current and correct. And it is about making sure that users of the solution are aware of the possibilities and how to use these possibilities. It is very important to monitor the metadata, constantly making sure that the knowledge management solution provides data that corresponds with organizational requirements.